A promising new award seat searching tool

One of the toughest parts of the points game is actually finding the flights you want once you've gathered enough points. Most people end up with a mix of points across several carriers and maybe a pile or two of transferable points like American Express Membership Rewards or Chase Ultimate Rewards. AwardHacker is great for knowing all of the possible rewards and how many points they would cost, but the holy grail of doing a search for actual, available reward seats has remained elusive – in part because the airlines put up IT and legal roadblocks to 3rd party services to prevent their software from crawling through the airline websites and mining the resulting data. Awardex.io (based in the Baltics) tried this, but unfortunately their site has been completely hobbled recently and you're now greeted with a login message about "something new and exciting coming soon". One of the other strategies for this problem is to let users download a software program to...