Kayak now lets you search for travel by Emojis! Vote for the next 15!

Kayak has a history of doing fun things with their travel search portal's interface. A while back they implemented a special Excel spreadsheet-style view so you could plan your vacation while still looking productive at work.

Now they're letting you search for travel by emoji! For example:

🗽 searches New York
🍣 searches for Tokyo
📱 searches for San Francisco
🎰 searches for Las Vegas

 🍁 ☘️ 🚨 🐇 are Toronto, Dublin, Amsterdam, and Chicago (O'Hare, get it?!) respectively.

You can vote right now for the next 15 emoji-city pairs. I know it's a bit frivolous, but who doesn't want to have a say in which city gets to own the beer-moji!

And Boston is currently winning for Baseball (?!??!) and Green Bay for football

And most importantly to my NYC friends, the Pizza-moji is up for grabs too! 
It might come from Italy, but it's a religion here in NYC

San Francisco has a HUGE lead for the Pride flag

Seattle is in the running for both 🦄 and ☕️
Paris is behind in the battle for the 👠
New world vs Old world battle for the 💃
Thank god Austin isn't winning for 🎸
Cancún is sweeping 🍹
Honolulu is winning 🏄‍♀️
No clear leader for 🎿
And it's the Leaf's vs. the Habs for 🏒
And MOST IMPORTANTLY, who gets the mutha&%$#in' TACO?! 🌮

And, yes, as the final question, you get to write in your candidate for 💩

Go vote!


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