Australian airlines ban Samsung Galaxy Note 7

The big news today is that Jetstar, Qantas, and Virgin Australia have all banned the Note 7 on their flights due it's exploding batteries. Samsung's hokey way of handling the recall itself can't be helping matters. Hopefully none of them have trips to Australia planned anytime soon.

Sadly, a child in Brooklyn was hospitalized this weekend by his exploding Note 7.

UPDATE 4 (19 Oct): It's now a federal crime in the USA to bring one on a plane. 

UPDATE 3 (14 Oct): Now the airlines are stocking fireproof bags to contain them, and Samsung has discontinued the phone altogether.

UPDATE 2 (5 Oct): Looks like even the replacement versions of the Note 7 are blowing up. Southwest airlines had one catch fire today before takeoff.

UPDATE 1: The Consumer Product Safety Commission has urged all owners to power them down, stop charging them, and await a proper recall.



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